作为一个设计师,你需要接受最新的事物来丰富你的创造力。每一个设计师都爱photoshop教程, 它可以帮助他们学习更多的知识来设计一个美丽和优秀的作品。在本帖中,我们搜集了30个最新鲜的和最好的Photoshop教程以此来提高你的技能。在这篇文章里,你会学到照明效果、 照片处理、图标创建、3 d文本效果、数字绘画和 PSD可下载文件。我们希望你们会喜欢这个帖子。
1. Create a Mother Earth Photo Manipulation
5. Human Scarecrow – Manipulation Tutorial
6. How To Design a Realistic Takeout Coffee Icon
8. Create a Herd of Grazing Dinosaurs
9. Creating a Portrait Using Only Four Colors!
10. Create an Underground City
11. Create a Planetary Star Field
14. Create a Lost Fantasy Micro World with Powerful Photo Manipulation Techniques
15. Design a Conceptual Album Cover
16. Draw a Roll of Camera Film
17. Create a Green Planet, a Setting Sun, and a Space Ship
18. Create a Natural Theme, Abstract Human Photo Manipulation
20. How to Create a Magic-Yielding Sorceress
22. Making of I Want a Sun not a Star
23. How to Create an Audi A1 Digital Car Painting
26. Create a Conceptual Headdress
27. How to Create Halftone Vintage Effects
28. Design a Shattered, Scrappy Metal Text Effect